
The Experiences of Age

Over a period of time we all have experiences. Some we want to remember, and some we don’t.  Then there are the memories we want to create.  We might want to be a good publisher of Novels or we might want to share documentaries.

In my situation I have had to take an audit of my successes and my failures.  I looked at my parents and the lifestyle they had and the time they had while alive on this Earth. I looked at the un-healthy habits that of my Dad, and the drinking and smoking did in fact shorten his life and took a toll on the quality of his life in his senior years.

I managed to avoid the heavy drinking and never smoked and have had a healthier live when compared to my Dad. But, I failed in the choice of food I consumed, opting for fast food and processed food like frozen pizza and chicken wings on a Friday night. Who can resist a steaming pizza hot out of the oven with sausage and pepperoni with black olives? Well it finally caught up with me and taught me a hard lesson in diet.

I met with my Doctors after a Cardio scare, at the time I was told that a bypass was in order or soon in my future. I guess I was one of the fortunate ones who have such an event, where one is able to make choices to reverse the years of taking for granted the diet and nutrition of my lifestyle.  When you loose a good friend by a Heart attack where one just grabs his chest and falls over, it will get your attention real fast. One of those stare at the ceiling at night moments and wonder “Is this my future”?

So after much consideration and due diligence I decided to find a way to undo the damage I have inflicted on my body and choose a more healthy diet.

After quizzing the Doctors, nurses and medical professions  I found that they tend to stay in their communities surrounded by the Orthodoxy of the Medical communities that choose diagnosis and treatment and surgeries with a backup of  big pharma logical solutions.  However, my searching the largest databases on the subject of “Heart Disease”
I found that the studies on the subject was very trenched and very heated as to treatments and reversals of the disorder. Not too far from the recent discussions about treatments for COVID.  The discussions bordered on the sense being called a heretic or a conspiracy antagonist against the Medical Authorities. I found thinking outside the box frightens people and causes them to face their fears of buried doubt.

My agenda was simple and personal. No politics, no movement of mass thinking here, just a simple solution of  treatments and solutions as opposed to being carved up like a holiday turkey.

So with all said, I have come to the fork in the road. To the Left is a Lifestyle of being a Vegan, to the Right was to remain a meat eating carnivore and eat Steak, Bacon, Burgers, and an assortment of vein clogging foods that will make a short order of me.

In discovery I found that my diet was slowly destroying  the endothelial lining inside my blood vessels thus causing inflammation and clotting. The diet would also cause a drop in Nitric Oxide production by this lining, of course higher when we are younger but drops to a small percentage as we age and is directly affected by the diet we follow.

After changing my diet I noticed a difference in just a couple days,  in that I found new energy and clearer thinking along with no angina or loss of breath after exertion. Had I not made this change I would have remained on the side or the Meat Lovers, scoffing and calling people out as idiots and tree huggers.

Interesting links on Reversal of Heart Disease: A Doctor shares his work on how he Reversed cases of Heart Disease.

Foods that Reduce your risk of Heart Attack: Currently over 10 Million views!

I hope that my shared experiences has been helpful in your search for a more fulfilled life.

SC Echols



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